Monday 11 February 2013

Human Occupation - "A Structure of Daily Life"

Differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary occupations.

Primary sector include agriculture (both subsistence and commercial), mining, forestry, farming, grazing, hunting and gathering, fishing, and quarrying. The packaging and processing of the raw material associated with this sector is also considered to be part of this sector.

Secondary sector include metal working and smelting, automobile production, textile production, chemical and engineering industries, aerospace manufacturing, energy utilities, engineering, breweries and bottlers, construction, and shipbuilding.

The tertiary sector of the economy is the service industry. This sector provides services to the general population and to businesses. Activities associated with this sector include retail and wholesale sales, transportation and distribution, entertainment (movies, television, radio, music, theater, etc.), restaurants, clerical services, media, tourism, insurance, banking, healthcare, and law. 

Language of Human Occupation

Human Occupation
1. Actual physical possession or use of a dwelling or piece of land. Occupation exists only where it is recognizable as such, and where the occupant has a sufficient measure of control that prevents interference from strangers.
2. Usual or principal business, calling, trade, or work a person is engaged in earning a living.
3. Official designation of an employed or self-employed person, such as architect, doctor, engineer, or manager.

Classification of Human Occupation
Primary occupation
                                    A primary occupation means work that involves taking raw material from the environment. Example: farmers, fisherman, miners etc..
Secondary occupation
                                    Occupation that involves manufacturing of finished products from raw materials is called secondary occupations.

Monday 4 February 2013

Hi Friends,

Welcome to Human Occupation

As u all know what it is all about

Lets see!!!!!!!!!!!

"Human Occupation is termed as the central aspect of the human experience"